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HomeNewsIsland & CoastIsland Health to provide $50K to washroom sensor project

Island Health to provide $50K to washroom sensor project

A project focused on keeping people safe during the toxic drug crisis is getting a grant from Island Health.

The Brave Branches project, run by the Vancouver Island Regional Library, uses washroom sensors to monitor medical emergencies in some branches of the library.

The goal is to not only save lives, but to give people the care they need when needed. Island Health will provide $50,000 to the project.

Minister of mental health and addictions Jennifer Whiteside says communities across Vancouver Island are very affected by the crisis.

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“Libraries face unique challenges as they strive to be safe, welcoming spaces for everyone,” said Whiteside.

“With these new sensors, medical emergencies can be identified and responded to promptly.”

Island Health says the sensors monitor how long someone occupies a washroom and if they are moving.

If they haven’t moved for a set amount of time, a text notification is sent out to responders, security guards, and library staff.

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So far sensors have been installed in Nanaimo, Courtenay, Campbell River, and Port Hardy.

They plan on bringing these sensors to Parksville and the Cowichan Valley soon.

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