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BC Green Party calling for changes to benefit farmers in Comox Valley with drought escalating

The BC Greens are asking for better support to help farmers in the Comox Valley deal with impending droughts. 

They want to see the Provincial Government grant exemptions for farmers to build dugouts to store rainwater, calling for an amnesty of fines for using unlicensed water sources, and changing the Water Sustainability Act as they believe it doesn’t prioritize food security over other industrial uses. 

Courtenay-Comox Green Party candidate Arzeena Hamir said in a press conference the BC Government’s preparation and response to the droughts has been “unacceptable”. 

“The Provincial Government must step up and take responsibility. We need policies that protect our water resources and ensure they are managed sustainably for future generations.” 

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A farmer herself, Hamir wants the next generation to feel like farming is a viable opportunity, and wants the Comox Valley to continue to be one of the best places to live and farm in B.C. 

Hamir also said the BC Green Party is advocating for a water management table holding comprehensive data about water allocation and the ability to have difficult conversations about it. 

BC Green Party leader Sonya Furstenau fell ill and couldn’t attend the press conference after being scheduled to. 

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