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HomeNewsIsland & CoastDrivers encouraged to be alert for animals on highways

Drivers encouraged to be alert for animals on highways

As more animals pop up on roads this time of year, Island and Coast drivers are asked to be on alert for them on highways.

According to ICBC, 9,900 vehicle collisions with wildlife are reported every year in BC.

Road Safety at Work, an organization focusing on improving workers’ safety when driving to work, says the number may be higher because of under-reporting. They also say collisions with deer often go up at this time of year, with incidents involving moose seeing an increase in June and July.

Program director of Road safety Trace Acres says wildlife collisions often happen with little or no warning.

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“Drivers, their passengers, and animals can be injured or killed by the initial impact,” said Acres.

A male elk and moose can weigh as much as 700 and 1,500 pounds respectively, where the force of those collisions can cause serious injuries when motorists lose control while driving.

They say the risk increases during this time because of seasonal habits, with crashes more common between 6 and 8 a.m. and 5 to 8 p.m.

For how to prevent these crashes, you should remain alert during high wildlife hours, watch for animal crossing signs, slow down when you do see one on the road, pay attention to other drivers, and plan routes to avoid wildlife areas.

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