Elections BC reports 171,381 people cast ballots on the first day of advance voting in the October 19, 2024, provincial election.
On Vancouver Island and the Sunshine Coast, the highest turnouts on Thursday were in Courtenay-Comox and Ladysmith-Oceanside.
In Courtenay-Comox, 4,038 people cast ballots on Thursday.
In Ladysmith-Oceanside, 4,252 people turned out to vote.
North Island – 2,360
Nanaimo-Gabriola – 2,344
Nanaimo-Lantzville – 2,278
Cowichan Valley – 1,818
Mid Island-Pacific Rim – 1,483
Powell River-Sunshine Coast – 2,139
Juan de Fuca-Malahat riding – 2,429
Six days have been set aside for advance voting.
You can find advance poll locations for your riding at Elections BC.
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