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HomeNewsProvincialBC Chamber of Commerce wants economy to be top priority

BC Chamber of Commerce wants economy to be top priority

The BC Chamber of Commerce and other business groups are calling for greater collaboration in the BC Legislature to ensure it operates effectively following the narrowest of victories.

“Regardless, we urge you all to prioritize improving the state of the B.C. economy. Without a strong economy, affordability will remain unachievable for British Columbians,” said the Chamber.

“British Columbia’s economy is falling behind, and many sectors are faced with deteriorating performance and job losses. The province has lost 12,400 manufacturing jobs since 2017, and the lack of investment in the sector is “nearing crisis levels,” according to the Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters (CME).”

They say forestry lost over 10,000 jobs in just four years, while the private sector saw no growth in employment between 2019 and 2023.

With rising costs for groceries and housing putting pressure on households, small businesses struggling to meet payrolls, a $7.9 billion operating deficit for 2024-2025, and spending promises from the Conservatives, NDP, and Green Party, the Chamber says BC’s economic trajectory is deeply concerning.

They add BC has the important building blocks to support a strong economy, it’s just that economic health needs to be more prioritized going forward.

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