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Restoration project finished thanks to grant from BC Hydro

A Courtenay restoration planting project is now finished thanks to BC Hydro funding.

According to the City, the goal of the project is to revitalize habitat areas and tree canopy cover in areas affected by the building environment, with the project getting $7,500 from BC Hydro’s Community ReGreening Program.

They say the work included restoring shoreline habitat at the Riverway Trail, removing invasive species and planting in canopy cover species at both the Connector Trail and Copperfield Trail detention pond, creating pollinator meadow at Sussex place, and managing invasive plants and restoring Garry Oak Meadow at Sunrise Park.

The City adds along with removing invasive and non-native vegetation, staff also added mulch and compost.

“Over 900 indigenous shrubs and trees, were planted in the fall of 2024 in designated areas,” said the City of Courtenay.

“Plants were selected based on current local conditions and the impacts of our changing climate.”

The City hopes through this project, they can develop a resilient urban forest that can withstand the challenges of longer and drier warm seasons.

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