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HomeNewsProvincialBC’s new cabinet to be sworn in November 18

BC’s new cabinet to be sworn in November 18

After winning the election with a razor thin margin, BC Premier David Eby’s new cabinet will be sworn in this month.

In a release, the BC government says they’re in a transition period, which lasts from election results until a new cabinet is sworn in.

Eby’s transition team is planning and preparing for the government to start focusing on residents’ priorities during this time. This includes making recommendations on the formation of ministries and structures acrossgovernment and selecting the ministers of this new cabinet.

With this announcement coming just before judicial recounts start, Eby says the recounts ensure every vote is counted.

“Following those counts, British Columbians want to see urgent action taken on their priorities, including affordability and housing, strengthening health care and building strong communities within a vibrant economy,” said Eby.

“The first step is swearing in a new cabinet for British Columbia.”

The province says Eby will present his recommendations for the cabinet to Lieutenant Governor Janet Austin, which would establish the new government.

New MLAs elected from this election will be sworn into the legislature, with Opposition and Green Party MLAs swearing in on November 12.

The new cabinet will be officially sworn in on November 18.

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