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Saving energy doesn’t have to be hard, says BC Hydro

While most British Columbians care about saving energy, many feel they aren’t able to conserve more.  

That comes from BC Hydro in their most recent Residential End Use Survey, which shows that 70 percent of Hydro customers actively think about saving energy, and 59 percent of them feel guilty if they don’t put effort into saving energy or forget to do so. That’s an increase of six percent over the last three years. 

The survey also finds 44 percent of customers say that saving electricity requires a lot of effort, and a quarter feel that they have to give up something to save energy at home. 

However, spokesperson for Hydro Susie Rieder says there is a misconception that saving energy is tough, especially in the colder winter months. 

“Saving electricity does not have to mean making sacrifices, it just takes a bit of planning, and BC Hydro has tools and incentives to help,” said Rieder. 

To support customers, Hydro offers the Team Power Smart program, where those who sign up for their reduction challenge between November this year and January 15 next year will be eligible to win $100 by reducing their electricity use by 10 percent for a year. 

Some ways to meet that goal include keeping the home temperature at 16 degrees when away from home and sleeping, 18 degrees while doing housework and 21 while relaxing, install a smart thermostat, turn on baseboard heaters in occupied rooms, seal any gaps and cracks in the home, watch how much you use hot water, and to wash clothes in cold water. 

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