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HomeNewsProvincialBC government encourages you to prepare for tonight’s windstorm

BC government encourages you to prepare for tonight’s windstorm

The BC government encourages you to be prepared ahead of a huge windstorm tonight.

Powerful winds are forecast to begin late today, the result of a bomb cyclone off the coast of Vancouver Island. Forecasters are predicting winds up to 100 kilometers an hour, possibly higher, with rain ranging from 50 to 100 millimeters depending on the region.

While the winds will last into Wednesday morning, they are expected to ease later that day.

To prepare for the storm, the province is taking several actions to keep people and communities safe.

This includes working with communities on Natural Hazard Information Calls, co-ordination calls with First Nations and other preparedness activities, monitoring weather patterns, river conditions, road conditions, clearing culverts and prepare crews and equipment to respond to flooding, and to broadcast alerts to warn people in areas at risk because of flooding.

Along with these actions, the province adds there are tips you can take to keep your loved ones safe during the storm.

They recommend having a household emergency kit with enough food, water and supplies in case of an outage, securing any loose outdoor objects, calling your local fire, police or public works department if you sense something out of the ordinary, staying away from river edges and shorelines, avoid driving through flood water, and to either postpone travel or wait until conditions improve to drive.

To see more tips, click here.

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