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HomeNewsProvincialBC Government to provide $200K for Indigenous food projects

BC Government to provide $200K for Indigenous food projects

The BC government hopes to improve food security for Indigenous communities by giving them new funding.

The government has announced the Indigenous Food Pathways program, a program that aims to support new projects, enhance current ones and improve Indigenous-led operations in the agriculture and food sector. The goal is to improve not only food security, but also food sovereignty.

The province is giving $200,000 to projects in need, with the money coming from both the BC and federal governments.

BC Minister of Agriculture and Food Lana Popham says supporting Indigenous communities in food security and sovereignty is important.

“We will continue to work together to get the support and tools they require to be successful,” said Popham.

They say the program can provide micro grants to those wanting to start a food and agriculture business, expand Indigenous-led training programs and other initiatives to address the gaps affecting Indigenous participation in the sector.

Along with this program, the province says they are launching a free service for farmers, communities, and governments to find information and resources. It’s called the B.C. Indigenous Pathfinder Service, and you can find it here.

For the program, click here.

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