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HomeNewsIsland & CoastRoad Safety at Work offers tips for safe Island holiday driving

Road Safety at Work offers tips for safe Island holiday driving

Road Safety at Work offers tips to stay safe while driving on the Island this holiday season.

The organization says winter driving in BC can be challenging, with the holiday rush leading to an increased driving risk for Vancouver Island.

Last December saw 24,534 crashes reported, 3,244 of them coming from Vancouver Island, Gulf Islands, and Powell River. Those crashes were reported by ICBC.

Program director for Road Safety Trace Acres says while rushing to your destination might save you time, it actually increases the risk of a crash.

“Slowing down and giving yourself extra time is one of the best ways to help ensure you and your loved ones travel safely this holiday season,” said Acres.

They say along with driving too fast, other reasons for crashes includes changing road and weather conditions, fatigue, alcohol, drugs, stress from the holidays, and using the phone.

To prevent more crashes, Road Safety is offering ways for you to stay safe while getting ready for the holidays.

You should not drive in poor conditions, know road conditions before going through DriveBC, leave space between your vehicle and the one in front of you, use winter tires, leave the phone alone, get a lot of rest before taking a long drive, and be extra careful in busy parking lots.

“We all share the responsibility for making BC’s roads safer during the holiday season.”

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