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HomeNewsComox ValleyBC Hydro increasing Puntledge River Flows for rest of 2024

BC Hydro increasing Puntledge River Flows for rest of 2024

For the rest of the year, BC Hydro will increase water flows at the Puntledge River.

Hydro says they are increasing their release from the Comox Dam from 33 cubic meters per second to between 60 and 100 cubic meters. The change comes ahead of an expected series of storm events.

While so far this month, inflows into the reservoir have been 70 percent of normal, Hydro’s public affairs coordinator Karla Louwers says the forecast for the next 7 to 10 days are trending above normal.

“Inflows are expected to increase over the week and peaking this weekend with an average daily maximum inflow of 110 – 160 m3/s,” said Louwers.

“The Comox Lake Reservoir level is currently at approximately 133.4 metres above sea level and is expected to rise. The increased water release from the Comox Dam helps manage the reservoir level and maintain operational flexibility for flood risk management during storm season.”

Louwers adds the increased spill presents dangerous conditions along all sections of the river, with danger signs put in place for the time-being.

The increase is expected to continue until January 2, 2025.

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