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FCM Sustainable Communities Award handed to CVRD for Dyke Road Park Project

The Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD) is getting an award for coastline protection and flood mitigation. 

The Dyke Road Park Coastal Resiliency Project will be awarded with a 2024 FCM Sustainable Communities Award in the Climate Adaptation Category. 

Manager of Long-Range Planning and Sustainability for the CVRD Robyn Holme said the award wouldn’t have been possible without their sponsors. 

“This award represents a nature-based solution to protect the coastline from erosion and flood risk and includes the establishment of a new tidal channel and viewing boardwalk, improvements to park amenities, removal of invasive species, and the protection of archaeologically sensitive areas.” 

Partners included the K’ómoks First Nation, Union of BC Municipalities, Stewardship Centre for BC, Nature Trust of BC, Real Estate Foundation of BC, Aquatic Ecosystems Restoration Fund, Project Watershed, Guardians of Mid-Island Estuaries, and Pacific Salmon Foundation. 

The project and estuary channel work are continuing into this spring with a formal event planned for the public when work is complete which is expected to be later in 2025. 

The award will be presented at the FCM’s 2025 Sustainable Communities Conference on February 11 in Fredericton, New Brunswick. 

An FCM member will accept the award for the CVRD on their behalf. 

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