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HomeNewsIsland & CoastWorld-famous Vancouver Island orca Luna featured in IMAX film festival

World-famous Vancouver Island orca Luna featured in IMAX film festival

Vancouver Island’s most famous whale is being featured in the upcoming IMAX Film Festival in Victoria.

Luna, the juvenile orca, is featured in Lost Orca: The Legend of Luna. He became separated from his pod in Puget Sound, and ended up spending five years in the Gold River harbour and surrounding inlets and bays. He attracted world-wide attention and tourist visitors, until he was killed by a tugboat propeller in 2006.

From the film’s description:

Luna, a baby orca, is separated from his family in a remote Vancouver Island fjord. When he seeks companionship from people, he becomes beloved. To boaters he’s a charming friend. To conservationists he’s a cause. To scientists he’s a puzzle. To officials he’s trouble. To Indigenous peoples he is the spirit of a chief and a teacher of fundamental truths. But what are we to him? As we humans fight over how to save Luna from dangers we have brought to his ocean world, the truths his life reveals are not just about his own deepest needs, but also about ours.

There are six other IMAX films featured including films about Ireland, meerkats, extreme weather, and volcanoes. Several non-IMAX blockbuster films will be played including both Top Gun films. Several will be available in 3D.

The festival runs from February 21 to March 16, visit the theatre’s website for more information.

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