The Wounded Warrior Run BC will have some Comox Valley flavour in it.
Cst. Paul Jones of the Street Crimes Unit will participate in the run meant to raise awareness and funds for mental health programs dedicated to supporting veterans, first responders, and their families.
Jones said the run is a worthy cause and a great physical challenge, which he’s honoured to be a part of.
“With a twin brother who is a firefighter, I have seen how the demands of public service affect not just the individual, but their loved ones as well.”
Jones has served as a drug investigator in Ontario, Vancouver, and Surrey and on the front lines of more challenged B.C. communities, allowing him to firsthand see the mental and physical tolls the job brings.
Officer in Charge of the Comox Valley RCMP Scott Mercer said policing is about the service provided and it extends beyond the uniform.
“We’re proud to have one of our own representing the Comox Valley RCMP in such an important cause.”
All money raised on Vancouver Island for the run goes toward Vancouver Island specific programs.
The run starts on February 23 and finishes on March 2.