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HomeNewsComox ValleyCVRD acquires new parklands in Electoral Area C

CVRD acquires new parklands in Electoral Area C

New parklands in Electoral Area C have been acquired by the Comox Valley Regional District.

In an announcement today, the district says they had been donated 4.51 acres of land adjacent to Maris Natural Park, along with getting a combined 115.86 acres of land next to Spike Road Park.

For Maris Natural Park, this comes as part of an ongoing project.

“Since the first land donation was completed in 2023, Comox Regional District (CVRD) staff have initiated a Park Management Planning Process,” said the district.

“The plan will establish a long-term vision for the park and identify strategic management goals and actions to protect the parks’ natural, cultural, and recreational values.”

Manager of Parks Mark Harrison says while they’ve gotten these acres, both parks are not open to the public until their park management plans are done.

“We ask that residents do not enter these parks at this time,” said Harrison.

Maris Natural Park’s management planning process is underway, with public engagement set to help with the planning process this year.

For Spike Road Park, the acquisition aims to increase the park holding’s size, with public engagement for a management plan set for next year.

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