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BC Minister congratulates K’omoks First Nation for ratification vote

With the K’omoks constitution and treaty ratified, a BC minister congratulates the nation.

Saturday saw K’omoks First Nation members vote for both items, with 181 ballots voting in favour of ratifying the constitution, while 177 ballots voted in favour of the treaty.

In a statement, Minister of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation Christine Boyle says she congratulates the members and leadership of the nation on the ratification.

“In particular, I wish to congratulate Hegus Nicole Rempel of K’ómoks First Nation, K’ómoks Council, Hereditary Chiefs, Elders, past Chief Councillors, the K’ómoks Treaty Team, the Eligibility and Enrollment team, and the Tripartite Ratification Committee for all of their hard work and dedication that has brought us to this momentous day,” said Boyle.

“With negotiations on the K’ómoks Treaty complete, and a successful K’ómoks ratification vote, the K’ómoks people have now chosen their path forward. This decision is one that generations of K’ómoks people have worked toward.”

Boyle says the next step is for the BC Government to ratify the treaty, followed by all parties signing, and ending with Canada ratifying the treaty.

She adds during this process, more opportunities will come for regional and public engagement and consultation with other First Nations.

“The K’ómoks Treaty is a path to self-governance, recognition of rights, collaborative resource management and new economic opportunity.”

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