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HomeNewsComox ValleyPublic feedback wanted for Town of Comox’s Parks and Trails Master Plan

Public feedback wanted for Town of Comox’s Parks and Trails Master Plan

The Parks and Trail Master Plan is in its final draft stage, and the Town of Comox is seeking feedback. 

An online feedback form has been created for people to review the plan and share their thoughts about the comprehensive public engagement process which began last year. 

Comox Mayor Nicole Minions said they appreciated the community’s engagement in shaping the plan so far. 

“Reaching this stage, where we can share our first comprehensive draft plan that speaks to the future of our parks and trails, is an achievement.” 

The draft plan provides a strategy for improvements to the 35 parks, 37 kilometres of trails and 143 hectares of park space within the town. 

All input will be reviewed and considered before the plan becomes finalized and presented to the Town’s Council for adoption later this spring. 

The online form is open until April 8. 

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