A heads up for valley residents…despite recent heavy rains, Stage 3 water restrictions are not about to go away anytime soon, with a BC Hydro maintenance project set to go shortly.
RD spokesperson Koreen Gurak says during the maintenance regime, the CVRD will supply water through a standby pumping station.
Gurak says the maintenance project for the Puntledge River fish screen goes from September 8th…to the 18th.
The fish screen is positioned in the BC Hydro penstock at the Puntledge diversion dam, and
requires up to three cleanings per year to maintain efficiency and to benefit salmon.
During stage three the following activities are prohibited:
o Watering lawns (with manual or automatic sprinklers) or pressure washing driveways or
boulevards at any time)
o Filling or adding water to a hot tub or garden pond at any time
o Washing a vehicle or a boat at any time (other than in a commercial car wash or car
These water restrictions apply to everyone living in the Town of Comox, the City of Courtenay and
the Arden, Comox Valley, England Road, Marsden/Camco, and Greaves Crescent water local service
areas. All of these areas are served by the Comox Valley water system.