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HomeNewsCVRD board approves 2017 budget

CVRD board approves 2017 budget

The Comox Valley R-D has adopted its budget for 2017.

The budget includes a total consolidated budget of $112.2 million (a net operating budget for the year of $70.6 million and total capital spending of $41.6 million).

Acting Manager of Financial Planning Kevin Douville says this year’s budget is separated into 3 categories – the general, water and sewer funds.

He notes there are a number of projects planned for this year, including a new fire hall on Hornby Island, the Comox Valley Civic Centre Project and a force main replacement at HMCS Quadra.

For further details about the budget, visit the RD’s website at: http://www.comoxvalleyrd.ca/EN/meta/whats-new/news-archives/2017/regional-district-board-approves-2017-budget.html.

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