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HomeNewsBike ride to raise awareness of Parkinson's Disease

Bike ride to raise awareness of Parkinson’s Disease

A group of cyclists, known as The Parky’s Pedalers, are riding down Vancouver Island to raise awareness on Parkinson’s Disease.

Shakin’ the Rock organizer Alf Todd says participants will take a 5-day journey from Port Hardy to Victoria. Todd says there are a number of misconceptions around Parkinson’s Disease.

“You mention Parkinson’s and automatically people think of the shaking. Tremors are only one of many symptoms. I have virtually no tremor at all but I have a lot of rigidity and slow, stiff movements.

Cycling is [actually] one of the best things you can do for the disease. There’s many a day that I can barely walk come afternoon but I can still get on my bike and go for a 20 mile ride.”

He notes the ride is a way to give back and promote a positive attitude towards those affected by the disease. “When you think positive, and when you act positive and when you help other people, you psychically do better,” he says.

He adds that, “we have a choice – we can have a pity party and drive people away from us or we can be positive and help other people, and physically benefit from it.”

The ride starts on June 12th. More details can be found through the event’s website at: shakintherock.org.

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