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HomeNewsBC Ferries reminding all boaters to use caution on the water

BC Ferries reminding all boaters to use caution on the water

B.C. Ferries is reminding small craft operators to make sure to use extra caution if you’re crossing near a ferry.

V.P. of Fleet Operations, Captain Jamie Marshall says it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with both ferry routes and sailing times, especially in narrow channels with strong currents like Active Pass.

“Generally speaking a lot of recreational boaters are very good,” says Marshall, “On occasion, we do have non-compliance with the collision regulations.”

He notes it’s also important to remember that ferries are not as manoeuvrable as small crafts and take much longer to avoid a collision or come to a full stop.

Marshall says boaters travelling in between Denman Island and Buckley Bay also need to make sure they are following the Ferry Cable Regulations and obeying the lights that signal when it is and is not safe to cross.

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