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HomeNewsRebecca Lennox running for Courtenay Council

Rebecca Lennox running for Courtenay Council

Rebecca Lennox is running for a seat on Courtenay City Council in the November 15 municipal election.

Rebecca grew up in the Comox Valley and wants to be a part of shaping it for the future.
Having worked as a hairdresser in Courtenay since 2008, after returning home from studies abroad, Rebecca has had the pleasure of interacting on a personal and professional level with people from all different backgrounds, value systems and professions.

We need all aspects of this diverse community to be represented at the council table. Lennox is focused on taking real steps to deal with social inequality in our city, such as solid solutions to our homelessness problem.

‘I feel that Courtney is growing from a small town into a city. Now more than ever this city needs people on council who have a clear vision of what is possible and the ability to work as a team to bring that vision to life.’

People have different interests, and their own hopes for the future but it is essential that as Courtenay grows it continues to be one of British columbia’s gems. A Courtenay where services are accessible, there is gainful employment, affordable housing and our beautiful green spaces are protected and available for all to enjoy.

Communities are strengthened by shared space and experience,and the movement away from the current car centric model to one where people can use many different modes of transportation in a cost effective and safe way, is one where everybody wins. With improved bus services and more pedestrian and bike paths, congestion on the roads will lessen.

On November 15th make Rebecca your vote for a progressive, involved and caring councillor.

-Contributed by Campaign for Rebecca Lennox

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