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Courtenay Council sworn in

Plenty of fresh faces on Courtenay City Council, with official swearing in ceremonies held tonight at Courtenay City Hall.

David Frisch, who topped the polls in the Municipal Election back on November 15th, was joined by fellow newcomers Erik Eriksson, Bob Wells, and Rebecca Lennox. Goat News Spoke with Frisch…

Returning to the council table, are Manno Theos, Doug Hillian and Courtenay Mayor Larry Jangula.

Jangula says he is confident his council team will produce results after being voted onto council.

Jangula told Goat News the Maple Pool issue will likely be on the council agenda in the next two weeks or so.

On the Regional District Board of Directors…Jangula, Theos, Wells and Eriksson. However Councillor Doug Hillian says with David Frisch being the top vote getter at the recent polls, “the democratic will of the public was not reflected,” however his motion for a one year review of the director appointments to the RD instead of two, narrowly passed a council vote.

(Photo of Councillor David Frisch, who garnered the most votes in the November 15 Municipal Election)

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