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HomeNewsStorms systems finally easing up!

Storms systems finally easing up!

With the end in sight for a series of powerful coastal storms, emergency officials continue their all out efforts to minimize flooding in the Comox Valley.

Goat News spoke with Stephen Watson, who speaks for BC Hydro…

Watson says there could be some flooding to cabins near the Comox Lake Reservoir…but for the most part they are managing the huge water flows the best they can.

Meanwhile the Fifth Street Bridge, Lewis Centre, and Linc Youth Centre remain closed from flooding, along with various other closures including some local roads.

And business owners off Comox Road, including Island Honda and Kia, say despite road closures they are open for business, with crews removing barriers for anyone who needs to access their area. For the most part widespread flooding in the Comox Valley has been averted thanks to a well coordinated emergency response protocol based out of Courtenay City Hall.

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