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HomeNewsIts all but over! Fifth Street Bridge opens, evacuation alerts pulled!

Its all but over! Fifth Street Bridge opens, evacuation alerts pulled!

Evacuation Order and Alert Rescinded

Great news: the flood threat in the City of Courtenay is diminishing. The water levels are receding and the rainfall forecast looks more promising.
The Evacuation ORDER and the Evacuation ALERT are RESCINDED, effective 11:00 am.
With the exception of Dove Creek Road, all previously closed roads in the affected area are now OPEN, including the 5th Street Bridge.
The Dove Creek Road and Bridge will remain CLOSED until the bridge can be assessed for safety.
The Maple Pool Campground remains CLOSED while it is assessed for life and health safety issues.
The focus now will be on recovery. The City of Courtenay is discussing the potential for disaster financial assistance with the Province of B.C.
Property owners: if you have experienced flood damage, your first step in recovery is to contact your personal insurance agent. Further information will be provided on our website and social media channels after the City has concluded discussions with the province.
We will maintain an open line of communication with BC Hydro over the coming weeks on reservoir levels, tides, and weather forecasts.
The Lewis Centre and The LINC will remain CLOSED for now; we will update you as soon as we have more information.
The Courtenay Emergency Operations Centre will remain open until it is deemed no longer necessary.
The City of Courtenay thanks the community for their patience during this flood event. We will continue to provide updates on the City of Courtenay website and social media channels.

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