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HomeNewsSnowbirds to train in Comox Valley again

Snowbirds to train in Comox Valley again

The Canadian Armed Forces Snowbirds and CF-18 Demonstration Team will commence preparations for the 2014 air show season when they arrive in Comox to finalize their annual training.

The Snowbirds arrive on Thursday, April 17, and the Demonstration CF-18 will arrive on Thursday, April 24.

The demonstration aircraft will fly over and in the vicinity of 19 Wing Comox between 9:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. on most days during their visit.

No CF-18 Demonstration training flights are currently planned for Sundays.

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Normally in the mornings, the Snowbirds will practice first, followed by a 30-minute CF-18 practice. In the afternoons, the CF-18 will normally commence its practice at 1:30 p.m., followed by the Snowbirds. Members of the public can expect increased aircraft activity throughout the Comox Valley between April 17 and May 7.

Practices will vary in terms of location and duration based on training requirements and weather.

The Snowbirds and CF-18 Demonstration Team train at 19 Wing Comox each year. With the mountainous terrain, as well as open water nearby, 19 Wing and the surrounding Comox Valley is an ideal location for the teams to fine-tune their skills before finalizing their performance routines and commencing their annual show schedule.

The Canadian Armed Forces attempts to minimize negative impact which may be created by our presence, taking into account the requirement to train in order to maintain the highest degree of safety, proficiency and preparedness.

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Every effort will be made to limit the flying activities to minimize disturbances to the public, while ensuring essential training requirements are met.

The Canadian Armed Forces Snowbirds, the CF-18 Demonstration Team and 19 Wing thank the residents of the Comox Valley for their support and understanding over these three weeks.

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