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HomeNewsBC Hydro turning off the lights tonight

BC Hydro turning off the lights tonight

COURTENAY, B.C- Don’t be alarmed if the lights go out in the Comox Valley tonight.

According to a notice from BC Hydro, planned work on the agency’s equipment will be shutting off power to multiple streets in the city this evening. Starting at 10:00 p.m. and running until 5:30 a.m., the following streets will be without power.

-224 – 300 6th St;

-230 – 450 8th St;

-315 – 580 10th St;

-325 – 432 11th St;

-389 – 484 12th St;

-785 – 1175 Cliffe Ave;

-660 – 1155 England Ave;

-910 – 1170 Fitzgerald Ave

Comox will also be undergoing planned outages for a pole replacement on Mar. 30. The outage will be from 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., along 1824 Anderton Road and North Greenwood Crescent in Courtenay.

The outage times are subject to change.

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