COURTENAY, B.C- During their inaugural meeting on Monday, the City of Courtenay’s new council gave the green light for appointments for the next year.
The following councillors have been recommended for the following positions, from 2018 to 2019.
Comox Valley Regional District Regional District Board of Directors:
-Mayor Bob Wells
-Councillor David Frisch
-Councillor Wendy Morin
-Councillor Doug Hillian
A switch took place between Will Cole-Hamilton and Doug Hillian, as Cole-Hamilton had originally been slated to be one of the primary CVRD directors from Courtenay on the district’s board.
Mayor Bob Wells spoke about the switch with the newsroom.
“Both of them are very capable folks, and both of them are still going to be on the Regional District,” said Wells.
“It’s not that Will is not going to be going there, he’ll actually be going to all the hospital and solid waste meetings. As a team, what we decided is that given the fact that I’ve been on the regional district as Vice chair for the last couple of years, chair of the water committee through one of the most, largest projects that the Regional District had to deal with, it makes sense for me to go back there. As mayor, I don’t necessarily feel that I should be there for the full years of our term.”
He described the change as both councillors sharing a CVRD director’s position.
Cole-Hamilton told the newsroom that he chose to step back in favour of Hillian, given his years of experience and expertise. He expected to have a full appointment after Wells steps back from his CVRD director role next year.
The rest of the appointments are listed below.
Alternate Regional District Directors:
-Councillor Will Cole-Hamilton
-Councillor Manno Theos
-Councillor Melanie McCollum
Voting Strength for City Directors on Regional District Board (City has eighteen votes):
-Mayor Bob Wells, four votes
-Councillor David Frisch, five votes
-Councillor Wendy Morin, four votes
-Councillor Doug Hillian, five votes
Suggested resolution:that when a Regional District Director is to be absent from a Regional District meeting, the Director identifies an alternate Director
to attend, confirms the alternate’s availability and advises the Mayor, the
Director of Legislative & Corporate Services andhis designate who will advise the Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD) which alternate Director will be attending.
Three Directors to Regional District Sewage Commission
(Three Directors elected to Regional Board to serve):
-Councillor David Frisch
-Councillor Wendy Morin
-Councillor Doug Hillian
Mayor Bob Wells, Councillor Will Cole-Hamilton, Councillor Melanie McCollum and Councillor Manno Theos
Four Directors to Comox Valley Water Committee
(Four Directors elected to Regional Board to serve):
Mayor Bob Wells, one vote
Councillor David Frisch, two votes
Councillor Wendy Morin, two votes
Councillor Doug Hillian, two votes
Councillor Will Cole-Hamilton, Councillor Melanie McCollum and Councillor Manno Theos.
Comox Strathcona Regional Hospital District Board
Mayor Bob Wells
Councillor David Frisch
Councillor Doug Hillian
Councillor Will Cole-Hamilton
Councillor Melanie McCollum, Councillor Wendy Morin and Councillor Manno Theos
Comox Strathcona Waste Management Board
-Mayor Bob Wells
-Councillor David Frisch
-Councillor Doug Hillian
-Councillor Will Cole-Hamilton
Court of Revision
(Frontage Taxes):
-Councillor Wendy Morin
-Councillor Will Cole-Hamilton
-Councillor Melanie McCollum
-Councillor Manno Theos
Board of Variance: On Hold -Requires Staff Report
Comox Valley Economic Development Society:
-Councillor Melanie McCollum
-Councillor David Frisch
Comox Valley Community Justice Society:
-Councillor Doug Hillian
-Councillor Melanie McCollum
Downtown Courtenay Business Improvement Association:
-Councillor Will Cole-Hamilton
-Councillor Wendy Morin
Community Drug Strategy Committee (Overdose Working Group):
Councillor Will Cole-Hamilton
-Councillor Hillian
Comox Valley Social Planning Society:
-Councillor Wendy Morin
Councillor Doug Hillian
Comox Valley Harbour Authority:
John Ward, Director of Legislative and Corporate Services/Deputy CAO
Comox Valley Liquid Waste Management Plan Public Advisory Committee (PAC):
Councillor Will Cole-Hamilton
(Staff Note: Councillor David Frisch appointed as alternate for the duration of the LWMP planning process) per July 16, 2018 Council resolution)
Development Industry Working Group:
-Mayor Bob Wells
(Staff Note: Councillor David Frisch appointed for a 1 year term) per June 18, 2018 Council resolution)
Integrated Transportation Advisory Committee:
Councillor David Frisch
Councillor Melanie McCollum
Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission:
Councillor Manno Theos
Councillor Wendy Morin
Agricultural Land Review Committee: On Hold-Requires Research, (Committee has not met in 8 yrs)
Heritage Advisory Commission:
Lawrence Burns, Ross Dingwall, Julie Fortin, Linda Grant, Deb Griffiths, Judy Hagen, Andrew Ireson, Cliff Piercy
Sid Williams Theatre Society:
Darryl Calnan, Heather McFetridge, Marty Douglas, Neil Havers, Tansy Pauls, Bill Anglin, Brian Mather, Naz Dizai
Councillor Manno Theos for a one-year appointment January 1 to December 31, 2019 with Councillor Melanie McCollum as alternate.
Schedule of Acting Mayors till 2020
-June and December: Councillor Manno Theos
-May and November: Councillor David Frisch
-March and September: Councillor Doug Hillian
-April and October: Councillor Will Cole-Hamilton
-February and August: Councillor Melanie McCollum
-January and July: Councillor Wendy Morin
The following ad-hoc committees also had their appointee’s confirmed.
Comox Valley Coalition to End Homelessness
Councillor Doug Hillian
Alternate: Councillor Will-Cole Hamilton
Kus-kus-sum Restoration Project
Councillor Doug Hillian
Alternate: Councillor Wendy Morin
Comox Valley Accessibility Committee
Councillor David Frisch
Alternate: Councillor Doug Hillian
Comox Valley Early Years Collaborative
Councillor Melanie McCollum
Alternate: Councillor David Frisch
July 1st Organizing Team
Councillor Manno Theos
Every member of council is also asked to be authorized as a signing authority, along with the following staff members.
-David Allen, Chief Administrative Officer
-John Ward,Director of Legislative & Corporate Services/Deputy CAO
-Jennifer Nelson, Acting Director of Finance
-Renata Wyka,Manager of Finance
The recommendations were carried without opposition.
“I think we have a very capable council, and I’m very proud of our team, and I’m very, very confident that moving forward we’re going to be able to tackle some of the major issues in our community, whether it’s affordable housing, social issues, environmental, entrepreneurial, all those kinds of things,” said Wells.
“We’re going to be making sure we’re tackling them, and making sure we’re looking after our cultural interests as well, and make sure we have a strong and vibrant community.”
-With files from Troy Landreville