BC Ferries has announced this morning that the 6:15 from Comox to Powell River, and the return 8:05 sailing have been cancelled due to high winds. BC Ferries will know if the 9:55a sailing from Comox is cancelled or not around 9:30a.
From the BC Ferries website:
Please be advised that the Salish Raven has cancelled the following sailings due to adverse weather conditions – high winds:6:15 am departing Little River8:05 am departing Powell RiverThe safety of our passengers and crew is of primary importance to us. We don’t take the decision to cancel sailings lightly, as we know customers rely on us to get to their destinations. We will resume service as soon as it is safe to do so.We appreciate your patience and apologize for any inconvenience experienced as a result of this cancellation.Our goal is to inform our customers as early as possible of any changes to our scheduled sailings. We recommend that for the most up-to-date sailing and departure information our customers also follow @BC Ferries on Twitter, visit our Current Conditions webpage at www.bcferries.com or call us toll free at 1-888-223-3779.
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