COURTENAY, B.C- A popular park in the Comox Valley is getting a trail upgrade.
According to an announcement from the Comox Valley Regional District, the trail down to the falls at Nymph Falls Park is getting adjusted to be more accessible to people with mobility challenges.
The trail that leads down to the falls, which are often used as a swimming location during the summer, is getting widened to 3.5 metres in width, similar to the main trail that runs into the park from the main parking lot. The widened trail is also meant to provide access for emergency vehicles and service vehicles for outhouse waste.
A viewing platform and accessible toilet are also being put in.

Construction and rerouting will start on Friday, and will start with the falling of 17 fir trees and 20 cedar trees.
“Permits were issued by the Province (for the cutting) and the timber will remain in the park for habitat use,” read the announcement from the district.
“This work will close the Mid-Line Trail to the falls for all of February and March with a portion of the parking lot also closed. Park visitors will be directed around the construction with the Lower River Trail being the best option for getting to the falls. During construction visitors are encouraged to discover other parks such as the CVRD’s nearby Wildwood Forest Park.”
Access to the falls will only be available via the bike trail from the parking lot during construction.
The new trail route will follow the existing one, but it will vary in four places to keep the grade accessible, which could require lifting with rocks.
The Strathcona Sunrise Rotary Club donated $8,500 towards the planned viewing stand, and an additional grant of $20,000 is being sought from the Rick Hansen Foundation
The work is expected to be done by May.
More design details can be found here: