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HomeNewsRegional recreation pass system being eyed by Courtenay

Regional recreation pass system being eyed by Courtenay

COURTENAY, B.C- Recreation passes in the Comox Valley could be shared between communities in the near future.

During their last committee of the whole meeting in January, Courtenay city council was presented with a report from municipal staff about the idea of a unified recreation pass for facilities across the Valley.

The concept had been raised in recent months from Courtenay mayor Bob Wells, with the aim of reducing local recreation barriers.

Council has directed city staff to look at the options and implications of a regional recreation pass for the recreation facilities across the whole Valley.

Currently, each municipality has its own pass, and look after their own facilities. The Comox Valley Regional District has the only year-round indoor swimming and skating options, while the options from Courtenay, Comox, and Cumberland are similar.

Staff will report back about the project after gathering information from the other municipal governments in the Valley.

Wells indicated that one of the first steps for the project could be a pass aimed at residents who have financial barriers, making sure that they get the “first kick at the can”.

“As somebody that actually goes to pretty much every single rec centre in the Comox Valley, including all the pools, I really look forward to how it’ll impact not just my constituents, but the whole Comox Valley,” said Wells.

The project will come back to council in future.

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