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HomeNewsSix sets of unidentified remains across Eastern Vancouver Island area

Six sets of unidentified remains across Eastern Vancouver Island area

BURNABY, B.C- British Columbia’s Coroners Service has uploaded an interactive map of unidentified remains across the province.   

The hope is to get more tips on who the remains belong to, and how they died.   

In the map, the locations where the bodies were found are pinpointed, along with any information investigators and coroners were able to find.  

There are 200 unsolved and active cases in British Columbia, a lot of them are cold cases and the earliest one dates back to 1953, according to the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General BC Coroners Service.  

 “By reaching out and engaging members of the public with the launch of this innovative tool, it’s our hope to gain new investigative leads that will lead to the identification of these unidentified individuals and bring closure to their families,” said Lisa Lapointe, chief coroner, in a provincial news release. 

 Vancouver Island has a few cases.  

  A case in Campbell River describes the unidentified body as:  


-found on October 8, 1997   

-between ages of 22-50   


A case in Port Hardy is on the map where the unidentified body is:  



-found on July 8, 2001  

-brown hair   

-between the ages of 35-49  

-wearing blue jeans   


One case in Alert Bay the unidentified body is described as: 


-found on Nov 13, 1983 

-between ages of 18-30 


-last joint of little finger on left hand amputated  

-wearing partial diving suit  


Three cases in Parksville described as:


-found Feb 9, 1990

-between ages of 30-48




-found Nov 5, 1992

-between ages of 40-55


-surgical scar left shoulder



-found July 11, 1999

-between ages of 40-60

-wearing blue pants and yellow shorts


There are no cases in Powell River area.

The hope is to make it public knowledge there are still cases that have not been solved.

If anyone has any information on these cases, they are asked to contact Special Investigations Unit using the case number provided in the viewer at: [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]).

Click here for the interactive map.

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