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New security report says federal election vulnerable to foreign interference, Trump deems Iranian military arm terrorist organization

New security report says federal election vulnerable to foreign interference

A report from Canada’s Communications Security Establishment says not only is the upcoming federal election open to foreign interference, but it’s already begun.

The CSE says both political leaders and the public have been targeted by foreign cyber interference since 2015. The report says false or misleading information is being spread aimed at either polarizing Canadians or undermining the nation’s foreign policy goals.

Trudeau lawyer threatens Scheer with lawsuit over SNC-Lavalin accusations

Andrew Scheer says he stands by every criticism he’s made concerning the prime minister and the SNC-Lavalin affair, and if Justin Trudeau wants to sue him, then bring it on. The Conservative leader says he received a letter March 31st from Trudeau’s lawyer Julian Porter threatening legal action for libel.

Trump deems Iranian military arm terrorist organization

In a move the first of its kind President Donald Trump has announced the US will name a branch of Iran’s military a Foreign Terrorist Organization.

This is because, the president says, Iran is a state sponsor of terrorism. This is the first time the US has ever named part of a foreign government a terrorist organization.

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