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HomeNewsTim Hortons employee looking to reunite photo albums with owner

Tim Hortons employee looking to reunite photo albums with owner

COURTENAY, B.C- A family may be missing treasured memories in the Comox Valley.

Terina Burgess, an employee at the Tim Hortons along Cliffe Avenue in Courtenay, told the newsroom that two photo albums were found near the restaurant’s dumpster on Friday afternoon.

Burgess said that the photos within the albums appear to be quite old, with some dating back to the 1940’s and 1950’s by their looks. She also indicated it was an odd find for the area.

“I’ve never found anything like this before, anywhere,” said Burgess.

“We don’t usually find things like that, hanging around. Sometimes, people leave jackets, or shoes, weird things, that sort of stuff, not photo albums, and I’d really like to find who these photos belong to, because some of these photos are fantastic.”

The albums are now safe in the restaurant office, and Burgess is open to any messages that could point her in the right direction.

“It’s a sad thing,” said Burgess.

“If somebody is missing them and doesn’t realize they’re missing them, that’s why I wanted to make sure that it was out there.”

Anyone reaching out to claim the photos will have to provide the names of the last three children in the album to help prove their connection.


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