The Strathcona Regional District is continuing the discussion on yearly pay for its directors.
A Feb. 12th meeting saw the SRD board go over the rates paid to municipal directors in comparison to electoral area directors.
It’s now adopted bylaw 376.
This means electoral area and municipal directors will once again receive equivalent rates relating to meeting pay, travel allowance and compensable meetings.
“The adjustment to rates for municipal directors was broadly supported by the board and recognizes the ever-evolving responsibilities associated with those positions,” says SRD chair Michele Babchuk. “Director remuneration has historically been a difficult and contentious discussion for directors, but it’s important for future elected officials that we review our roles, duties and constituent expectations periodically to ensure we are compensating elected officials at a fair and equitable rate.”
Babchuk is praising all directors for their in-depth conversations and for respecting the process that comes along with having a new bylaw passed.
With bylaw 376, municipal directors will no longer receive last year’s electoral area directors’ 27.6 per cent increase of $10,000 per year.
Instead, they’ll receive a 1.65 per cent raise of $235 to account for the increased cost of living.
Municipal directors are also paid by the municipalities they represent.
The chair’s pay has been increased to reflect the base amount of an electoral area director.
The Strathcona Regional District is a partnership of four electoral areas and five municipalities providing services to approximately 44,000 residents.