A website is up and running for job seekers and contractors interested in working on upcoming BC Hydro projects in Campbell River.
The three proposed dam safety projects for the Campbell River hydroelectric system may begin in 2023 and last for about five years.
The redeveloped website, www.majorprojects.ca, went live on Monday. You can find it here.
BC Hydro spokesman Stephen Watson says it was developed as a “one-stop centre for the potential economic opportunities flowing from the dam safety upgrade projects.”
“We collaborated on the original website in 2011, led by the Campbell River and District Chamber of Commerce, so people were better aware of the John Hart Generating Station Replacement Project and knew about the ways to engage directly with the bidding teams and ultimately with the selected project contractor,” Watson said.
“It was very successful and we’ve once again worked with the chamber to completely re-design the site for the three seismic upgrade projects. We’re looking to follow a similar business community engagement model.”
The projects, taking place at the Strathcona, Ladore and John Hart dam facilities, will be in the hundreds of millions of dollars and will create a few hundred jobs.
“We’re really excited to have this website redeveloped to give local and regional workers as well as businesses lots of lead time to prepare for these projects by staying informed as they progress,” said Campbell River & District Chamber of Commerce executive director, Mary Ruth Snyder.
“Important foundation work was created for the John Hart project. We’ve now improved our website and look to build on the engagement model, including working and collaborating with the local and regional business leaders and organizations who were so key in the earlier successes.”
Along with BC Hydro and the Chamber of Commerce, the original collaboration team included the North Island Employment Foundations Society, North Vancouver Island Aboriginal Treaty Society, Vancouver Island Construction Association, and Vancouver Island Economic Alliance.
These and additional organizations such as Industry Training Authority and North Island College will likely be brought on board as early as 2021.
There is a section for job seekers and businesses, including developing a business directory starting in 2021, where companies may register within the site’s supplier database to promote all the business skills, trades, equipment and supplies that exist in Campbell River and surrounding area.
BC Hydro’s capital project information and schedules are posted on the website and will be updated regularly.
“As these important dam safety projects move along, this website will provide people with the windows of opportunity to better prepare and showcase our amazing businesses and workers so that there’s better potential for local business contracts and hiring,” Snyder added.
BC Hydro also developed a Campbell River dam safety project web site, intended to provide general community updates and awareness, at www.bchydro.com/crdamsafety.