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HomeNewsLabour council to host Day of Mourning ceremony online

Labour council to host Day of Mourning ceremony online

The Campbell River, Courtenay and District Labour Council is going virtual.

Every year, workers, friends and families of fallen workers gather at National Day of Mourning ceremonies across the country to recognize workers killed or injured on the job.

This year, the council will be hosting its annual ceremony a little differently in an effort to help limit the spread of COVID-19.

The ceremony will be held this coming Tuesday at 10:45am via a live event online.

Council President Ben Olsson will lay a wreath at Frank James Park in Campbell River at the Workers’ Memorial.

He plans to say a few words, hold a moment of silence and express the council’s sincerest condolences to those whose loved ones were lost due to workplace injury.

Last year, 140 workers in B.C. lost their lives due to work-related injury, illness or disease.

To watch the ceremony live, visit the council’s Facebook page.

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