Vancouver Island is keeping its COVID-19 cases count low.
In today’s update, Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry announced no new cases on the island, with its total staying at 143.
Meanwhile, she’s calling this summer our “COVID summer.”
She said the actions we take during the upcoming B.C. Day long weekend will determine how we are going to manage in the weeks and months ahead.
“Whether you are 15, 25 or 55, celebrate our incredible province by socializing safely. The actions you take do make a difference and we have seen that in the last few weeks.”
Dr. Henry said that there have been no new cases to report on Haida Gwaii, but there are now 59 cases connected to Fraser Valley Packers Inc., a blueberry packing plant in Abbotsford.
That’s an increase of 28 from yesterday.
Province-wide, 29 new COVID-19 cases were announced, bringing the total number of cases in B.C. to 3,591.
The recovery rate remains at 87 per cent with 242 active cases across the province.