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Lock it up or lose it: Police report spike in vehicle break-ins in Courtenay

The Comox Valley RCMP is sounding the alarm about a spike in thefts from vehicles.

It’s asking drivers to lock and secure their cars and trucks after an unusual high number of vehicle break-ins in June.

Last month, the City of Courtenay experienced its highest number of theft from vehicle reports relative to June 2020 or June 2019.

RCMP Const. Monika Terragni says this is a preventable crime of opportunity and it costs countless hours of investigation after someone has their credit/debit cards, identification, and valuable property stolen. 

“These hours can be directed to other community priorities once we get our numbers down,” Terragni added. It only takes seconds for a thief to get into a car and swipe your things.”

Police say to stop break-ins from happening, In order to prevent break-ins or theft of a vehicle, the owner/driver should:

  • guard their keys at all times,
  • park in secure, well-lit areas,
  • remove valuables from the vehicle, 
  • always make sure to lock the vehicle, and
  • do not keep a spare set of keys inside your vehicle.
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