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HomeNewsSwoop Airlines to offer flights to Comox Valley from Edmonton

Swoop Airlines to offer flights to Comox Valley from Edmonton

A new flight from the prairie provinces will be landing in the Comox Valley next year.

Swoop Airlines has announced a new flight to the Comox Valley Airport from Edmonton starting in June 2022. The company says there will be three flights per week from Edmonton to Comox beginning Jun. 9.

Comox Valley Airport CEO Mike Atkins says they are excited about the tourism opportunities the new flight will provide.

“Swoop’s arrival will generate a lot of excitement for travellers looking for affordable options to reconnect with their friends and family,” said Atkins.

“We are delighted to have Swoop support travel to the Comox Valley, particularly for our tourism partners ready to welcome visitors to the spectacular region we serve.”

Swoop Airlines says the cost for a one-way ticket is $49.

The new flight will add to the airline’s list of Island routes, including a seven time per week flight from Edmonton to Victoria.

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