My time at Bodynetix has not been long, in the grand scheme of things. But in that short time (just over a month at the time of writing) I’ve seen a complete change in my body. I’m already noticeably more flexible, and stronger. Not to mention those clothes that used to sit in the back of my closet because they didn’t fit quite right… now fit quite right! It hasn’t been easy but compared to the time in my life when I was going to the gym by myself and doing the boring treadmill and weights stuff; it’s been much more fun.
Unlike that first time going to the gym when I was 18; I now have other people to workout with and keep me motivated. That’s both the trainers like Raida, Erin, and Megan; but more over the community created by everyone going through the same hard but rewarding workout is something I didn’t realize I needed. It keeps you going when you see other people doing their best to push past their limit. Then out of no where… I didn’t hate the mirror.
I still have loads of work left to get to where I want to be. But where it once seemed insurmountable, the challenge is now something that get’s me up in the morning. Something that gives me a new sense of accomplishment, and a direction that I was sorely missing over the past two years. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again; missing one class at Bodynetix feels like I’m missing out on a lot more than an opportunity to sweat!