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Nature clean ups encouraged as Earth Day approaches

As Earth Day approaches, the number of people doing their part to keep surrounding areas clean is becoming even more apparent.

That’s from Small Planet Energy Inc. co-owner Tara Jordan, who adds she is feeling even more inspired by people’s efforts and commitment to making the environment better.

Jordan and Small Planet Energy are hosting the fourth annual Clean Up Contest that runs until April 30. It challenges residents of the Comox Valley Regional District and Campbell River to clean up garbage for a chance to win prizes.

Jordan says with the weather getting nicer, it is a good way to direct our energy in helping the planet.

“The energy that I feel would be the most beneficial to our cause is really everyone doing our part,” said Jordan. “Every little clean-up to every huge clean up, being aware that it doesn’t matter if it’s one piece of garbage or it’s a beachful, it really is making a difference.”

Jordan adds over the years, she has been able to see many more people get involved and it highlights the number of people out there wanting to keep the environment clean.

“For example, there is a couple who have spent the last seven days cleaning up the Duncan Bay Main road. It’s somewhere that we are very well aware is a place that people dump their garbage,” said Jordan.

“In the past week, they’ve cleaned up over 2,000 kg of garbage and brought it to the dump.”

Jordan adds that most people are very responsible with their waste, and not many are dumping trash or trash gets spread around with high winds during storms.

This time of year also makes environmental cleanliness more obvious as some of us start heading back outdoors, according to Jordan.

“Why not use our time proactively, productively and plan ahead and plan as [we] go? It’s just the most simple and beautiful gift we can give our planet,” Jordan added.

The Small Planet Energy contest will be hosting a clean-up in Campbell River on Earth Day at 9 a.m. near the ERT road. Jordan said garbage bags can also be collected and another clean-up will be held on April 29.

Jordan adds $5,000 in cash prizes is available for the winners, and the rules and regulations can be found on the Small Planet Energy website.

She would like to thank all their sponsors for their support of the event.

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