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BC Highway Patrol removed over 200 impaired drivers from roads in one December day

BC Highway patrol was busy last Saturday removing over 200 impaired drivers from the roads.

Their “Light Up the Province” campaign screened almost 55,000 vehicles at 228 check stops across the province. They ultimately found 222 drivers impaired by drugs or alcohol.

Officer in Charge of Highway Patrol, Chief Superintendent Holly Turton says it was encouraging to see that the overall percentage was low.

“It was encouraging to see that the overall percentage of impaired drivers was low throughout the evening,” says Turton. “However, it is important to remember that just one person driving while impaired can result in devastating consequences for themselves and others. This is why BC Highway Patrol continues to prioritize impaired driving enforcement.”

Penalties for impaired driving can range from a 24-hour to a 90-day immediate driving prohibition, vehicle impoundments, monetary penalties, as well as potential charges under the Criminal Code of Canada.

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