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Province aims to enhance tradespeople skills


The province of BC says they’re providing specialized training to support the trades through TradeUpBC.  

According to a media release, the one-stop shop will provide information about trades-training opportunities at post-secondary intuitions across BC including professional development offerings, micro-credentials and short-term training.  

Minister of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills Lisa Beare says the trades are the backbone of the province and providing training in the industry will strengthen the economy.  

“Tradespeople in BC build the foundation of the province that we all benefit from,” she says. “It’s their growing expertise, skill and innovation that contribute to BC now and will continue into the future.” 

The program provides additional retraining for those in the trades who fall outside of formal apprenticeship training programs, and according to the province will quickly address the demands of emerging skills in evolving job markets.  

TradeUpBC offers courses in construction, environmental trades, hair and cosmetics, hospitality, manufacturing, maritime trades and transportation trades.  

Job retraining has been offered by The StrongerBC plan since May 2, 2023, and is designed to make education and training more accessible and affordable to those looking to get involved in the trades. 

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