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HomeNewsIsland & CoastTravel tips to enjoy weekend Comox Air Show, RCAF Centennial

Travel tips to enjoy weekend Comox Air Show, RCAF Centennial

If you’re planning on visiting Comox for the air show and Armed Forces Day celebration on Saturday, the Department of Defence has some travel tips.

You can avoid getting stuck in traffic by taking the free shuttle bus service, provided by BC Transit from 8:30 am to 6 pm.

Buses will leave every 15 minutes from the Comox Mall and North Island College and will take passengers right to the air show’s pedestrian entrance gate.

If you’re driving to the show, all traffic will be directed through Point Holmes. Parking will be off the access road to Glacier Greens Golf Course. Parking attendants will be there to help direct traffic. There will be no roadside parking near the airfield.

Upon arrival at the gates, all guests will clear the security screening check point and proceed to the static displays, viewing areas, and information booth. Remember, an airfield is a big place, so wear comfortable shoes, and don’t forget sunscreen and a hat.

Visit the official airshow website for more details.

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