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HomeNewsComox ValleyK’omoks First Nation and CVRD stand against comedy event

K’omoks First Nation and CVRD stand against comedy event

The K’omoks First Nation and Comox Valley Regional District are taking a stance against a comedy troupe coming to Comox.

In a statement, the nation says the Danger Cats troupe is scheduled to perform at a local venue on May 30. The troupe received backlash earlier this year for selling merchandise making light of the victims of serial killer Robert Pickton, who was convicted of six murders in 2007.

They say they condemn any actions that perpetuate ideologies rooted in hatred, violence, and division.

“In the spirit of solidarity, we join our voices with the First Nations Leadership Council (FNLC), municipal governments, and community members who have taken a principled stance against these events,” said the Nation.

“The content promoted by Danger Cats is not only deeply offensive, but also serves to perpetuate dangerous stereotypes and discrimination against women.”

Along with standing in solidarity with the victims’ families, the nation is encouraging other governments, businesses, and community members to take a stance against the event.

The regional district says they are in solidarity with the nation and leadership council, adding that confronting racism, sexism, and stereotypes is an important part of being responsible of safety.

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