BC Green Party candidate in the Courtenay-Comox riding, Arzeena Hamir, was joined by party leader Sonia Fursteneau for a campaign announcement in Courtenay this morning on water sustainability.
Furstenau says the Green Party would invest in creating water stewardship councils for communities in BC.
‘To manage water and water scarcity,” which she says is becoming more common in communities, “we have to be doing it collaboratively, we have to be doing it in a way that is aligned with values and we have to be doing it in a way that is transparent and builds trust.”
Furstenau says the local water councils would include First Nations, farmers, local governments, industry, and environmental groups to focus on creating a consensus on how the water supply for communities is allocated.
She says the Green Party plan will introduce more transparency, increased measurements of available water, and let communities to make decisions with less conflict.