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HomeNewsYQQ one of the busiest small airports in Canada

YQQ one of the busiest small airports in Canada

Comox Airport is one of the busiest small airports in the country.

The latest numbers released from Stats Can show Comox continues to be in the top 10 of small airports when it comes to takeoffs and landings.

The airport’s CEO Fred Bigelow says the number of passengers travelling through the airport has grown 19% over the last five years.

“There’s very few communities across this country [that] can see passenger levels in excess of 360,000 like we have with the kind of daily service feeding 3 hubs. It doesn’t happen [in] very many other places.”

Bigelow says some of the focuses for the airport this year include long-range planning on reducing costs to airlines, facility upgrades and succession planning.

For further details on all things YQQ, visit the airport’s official website: comoxairport.com.

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