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HomeNewsCumberland celebrates completion of infrastructure work

Cumberland celebrates completion of infrastructure work

CUMBERLAND, B.C. – The Village of Cumberland is celebrating the completion of a major infrastructure upgrade project.

The Cumberland Village Upgrades project started its first phase along six blocks of Dunsmuir Avenue in 2016. New water and sewer pipes were installed.

New paving, curbs, and crosswalks were also constructed.

Last year, the work moved to Cumberland Road. The roadway was widened, with bike lanes, sidewalks and medians put in at key locations. Improved crossings were also added in near Bevan Road.

Over the course of this April and May, work was completed on Cumberland Road.

In a release, Cumberland Mayor Leslie Baird said that, “we are so glad to be helping the Village, our residents and visitors moving forward with these improvements. They really are a big step forward to both our operations and the look of these two key corridors.”

“We thank everyone for their patience throughout the process. It certainly represents a long-term gain for our community.”

The Comox Valley Regional District’s Host Community agreement, and Building Canada’s Small Community Fund paid for the project.

Grants from Bike BC and the ICBC Road Improvement Program also helped pay for the project, as well as businesses on Cumberland Road and village residents.

Further details and future progress updates can be found at

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